
Friday Feb 13, 2015
It's Our Money - Oh, Canada! - 02.11.15
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Our neighbors to the north may be on the verge of actually breaking a grip of Global Banksters on their economy. A recent court ruling upholds the litigation path for a lawsuit that intends to force the Bank of Canada to return to its original charge of providing debt-free money for public purposes. The suit also claims that the money elite at the IMF, BIS and FSB had intentions to take de facto control of the government by controlling its monetary policy. It’s such an important development that the government is squashing press coverage. Ellen talks with one of the most knowledgeable observers about the case, while co-host Walt McRee revisits the evergreen truths of young Victoria Grant’s video-viral speech about the Bank of Canada.